G-Bot987 A profile


  1. JavaScript
  2. Node.JS,
  3. React.JS
  4. MongoDB
  5. Command Line
  6. CSS
  7. HTML5
  8. JQuery
  9. Bootstrap
  10. Express.JS
  11. handlebars
  12. tailwind
  13. sequelize

A brief Bio

Full stack web developer with a background in Marketing and extensive client handling experience. My drive and intrigue for coding inspired me to achieve an A- certificate in web development through the University of Birmingham. Experience using; React.js, Node.js, JavaScript, MySQL, MongoDB, Git, Command Line, JQuery, CSS, Bootstrap, Express.js, HTML5. Ambition and drive to be successful in web development ensured successful completion of this course while retaining full time employment. This experience in client facing industries, most recently while working from home has required discipline and strong time management. Evidenced by an exceptional quality assurance score and attendance record. Coupled with recent success at Birmingham and marketing acumen that makes for a user focused results driven developer looking forward to taking advantage of opportunities both domestically and internationally that will see me add specificity and nuance to my code.


A group project I undertook with Mehdi and Jon. That allows users to create an account, design quizzes, take quizzes. The motivation behind this platform, was to improve connectivity to otherwise disparate community of pub quiz gamers who have lost the ability to interact with each other as a result of Covid 19. Mind GJM provides a user friendly UI for pub quizzes existing functionality will save scores and track progress.

Technologies: Node.js, GraphQL, MongoDB, JavaScript, React, Express.JS, Bootstrap, Tailwind.

Git repository

Tech Blog

A full stack application, that allows users to log in, create posts, amend them and comment on other users posts. The platform is designed to allow tech enthusiast to reach out to others to either provide assistance or ask for it. Future developments will include more social functionality for networking and staying in contact.

Technologies: JavaScript, Sequelize, MySql, Moment, Express Handlebars, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS

Git repository

Password Generator

A password generator using numbers, letters, Capital letters and special Characters using Javascript. Please click on the image for the deployed version.

Technologies: JavaScript.

Git repository


A quiz using javascript. Please click on the image for the deployed version.

Technologies: JavaScript.

Git repository

Employee Manager

Command Line application that can generate individual and team profiles allowing easy access to key info. This concise applications primary benefit is its time saving functionality, the ability to quickly add and remove team members and saving key info for easy future access is perfect for integration with HR and employee management software.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.JS, HTML, Command Line.

Git repository

Readme Generator

A Readme generator that can create md files to a template of your choosing. This allows for a quick user friendly experience to create uniformed readme files ready for use.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.JS, HTML, Command Line

Git repository